Thursday, November 22, 2007

Jellyfish Attack Salmon Farm

Today's London Telegraph features a story that is a really bizzare example of the side-effects of global warming.


Anonymous said...

Poor salmon. I wonder what other predatory hazards are threats to farmed fish. It sort of seems like they're sitting ducks when they're confined to pens.

Along with that, it seems like more and more "unusual" occurrences like this will become commonplace as animals are forced to migrate from their traditional areas. And I suppose it would have a cumulative effect, as the predators that prey on those populations migrate in the same direction.

Denise said...

Another story of misplaced jellyfish (in the same week!):
Make sure to read the whole thing or you'll miss the bit about jellyfish ice cream.

Anonymous said...

Jellyfish. Ice cream. Two things I never thought humans would combine.

I was wrong.