Monday, October 8, 2007

Warning to Consumers about Trans Fats

Did you know that if a product has less than 0.5 grams of trans fats per serving, it can be labelled '0 Trans Fats'? This means that if a serving size is 2 cookies and you have 8 cookies, you are actually consuming a significant amount of trans fats even though the label says '0'. There's always a loophole, isn't there?

So make sure the list of ingredients does not include any kind of partially hydrogenated oil. For more information on trans fats, see the FDA website.


Anonymous said...

Jeez! It's too bad lobbying has won so many of these loopholes. They provide exactly what the industries want: angles that obscure the clarity of nutritional information, which protects the sales of non-nutritional "foods".

I've noticed that foods that contain allergens list a warning in the ingredients, such as "WARNING: MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF NUTS." What if there was legislation to require the same of trans fats? Rather than putting the burden on the average consumer to remember that "partially hydrogenated" ingredients indicate trans-fat content, it should just have to be openly declared. Same for GMO content. "Flour, milk, sugar, eggs, food coloring. CONTAINS TRANS-FATS. CONTAINS GENETICALLY MODIFIED INGREDIENTS. IN OTHER WORDS... THIS IS REALLY NOT HEALTHY FOR YOU TO EAT."

If only...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to identify myself. It's Dirt.

Denise said...

I knew it was you, Dirt